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Best Ways To Scale Google Shopping Campaigns

Kyle:  Hello, and welcome to the Google Ads strategy Show. I’m your host, Kyle Sulerud. And today’s question is about scaling Google Shopping. The question comes from Rick, and he asked simply:

“How do I scale Google Shopping?”

I’ve invited my friend Nik Armenis to come on and answer this one. He really is the expert when it comes to Google ads for e-commerce. 

Nik: Rick, thank you very much for your question. I get asked this a lot. How to scale your Google Shopping campaigns can seem tricky at times. Compared to, say, a search campaign, it feels like potentially some of that control isn’t there. 

Now, Google Shopping can be scaled in multiple ways, Rick. So it really comes down to your business. 

I’d first ask yourself: “Are you promoting every product that you have available?” 

If not, add these to Google Shopping. Especially if you’re getting some traction elsewhere, and they’re selling, why not add them into Google Shopping? 

From there, what I find is, obviously, if you’re maxing out your daily spend, and your last impression share due to budget isn’t very high…you’re not losing any impressions due to budget, then it’s probably due to your ad rank, right? 

So if it’s due to budget, and you have a look, and say your budget is set to $100 a day and every day you’re hitting around the $100 mark, potentially, especially if you’re profitable, and have gone through a proper optimization process, you can start slowly increasing that budget. 

So maybe from the hundred dollars, you raise it to $120. Let it run for a while, at least a few days, potentially more. Give it a good week or so. Can you keep increasing that budget? So that’s probably the easiest way, right? 

Now, you’re gonna have to watch in that instance. Because if products that aren’t really pulling their weight start to get a lot more clicks, and they start taking some of that budget,  and you start seeing keywords pop up that weren’t before, and they’re not overly relevant, or they’re too broad, go in there and remove them, and go in and remove any products that just don’t pull their weight. Do that regularly. 

Now from there, what I suggest is: “Have you got in place your remarketing audiences, so you can then also remarket to people using shopping?” 

These are visitors who have already come. Make sure you either have a campaign for remarketing and then that’s remarketing on its own, or overlay that audience in the audiences tab in shopping. So you’re going to want to bid higher for those people. And I feel like that’s normally an easy way to capture that high-converting traffic and turn those people into paying customers, rather than losing them to other people. 

That’s a really easy way to start scaling there. 

Now after that, other ways are: “Have you got your display remarketing with your feed linked up, remarketing to people in the display network?”

That’s another easy way. Although that’s not shopping directly, that’s going to be hitting people on things like YouTube, at Gmail, and lots of websites all over the internet and apps as well. That’s another way you can slowly start to scale out. 

From there, I would also make sure that you go through (and remove) any products that aren’t performing. But then if there are products that are doing really well, separate them out, create either a campaign for just one product and see how that goes, or create a campaign for your best sellers and bid higher on those (like substantially higher). Obviously, you’re going to have to monitor what keywords you’re appearing for, bid higher for those. Also, make sure your priority is set higher at the campaign level for those. So then Google Shopping knows to use those bids and prioritize there. 

Sometimes the individual product will work better. Sometimes the best seller will work better. But they’re some of the ways you can go about scaling shopping specifically. 

From there, you can actually branch out and use the high converting keywords in your search terms report to then grab those keywords and create search campaigns to product pages, and then scale even further from there. 

In other ways, you can scale out to other countries if you have that capability. So if you have warehousing or are able to ship internationally, why not create another campaign? Obviously, you’re gonna need another feed, but you can create another campaign and target that new country. That’s another easy way. If not, you can go through search and not have to do the feed and use those high performing keywords in other countries. 

So, Rick, I hope that’s answered your question. I’m sure we’ll be covering off more on scaling in the near future.

Kyle: Some great advice once again from Nik Armenis. Thank you, Nik.

If you liked what you learned from Nik, you can check out his YouTube channel. He has a lot more great advice on there. Or you can just check out his website and maybe work directly with his agency. If you want to look into that you can head over to .

And thanks to Rick for asking the question.