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The Truth About Making Promises In YouTube Ads

Let’s look at the ‘Make a Promise’ element in today’s post. A viewer typically learns or discovers something from this. It’s usually not a promise that they’ll achieve some sort of specific result. That type of promise could get you in trouble with YouTube or the FTC, so I don’t recommend promising a specific result or outcome.

When this element is used, it’s usually a promise of what can be learned in a book, a training, a course, or whatever is being offered. Sometimes, it’s simply a promise of what the viewer can learn if they continue to watch the ad.

Before we dive into all the examples I have to remind you that this is our YouTube Ad Copywriting series, explaining all the key elements top advertisers use to improve their YouTube ads.

On this series you can see all the elements that turn regular Youtube ads into high converting ads. This study is done by AdLeg, my YouTube ad agency, which specializes in selling online courses and coaching programs.

So let’s get into all examples:

*I don’t necessarily support or endorse these advertisers. I’m just using these as examples.

Example #1

This is an example where the advertisers are promising something that the viewer will discover in the ad itself.

“However, I promise you, as you continue to stick with me all the way up to the end of this video, everything is going to come together for you and you’re probably going to be pretty shocked at how real and simple this all is.”

So, he’s making a promise there. This is a longer ad – almost 11 minutes. There’s basically a mini webinar inside the ad where the beginning of the ad sets up the training he’s going to be doing. The last part of the ad is actually the training before he gets to the offer. So here, a few minutes in, he’s making a promise that everything he set up during the intro is going to become clear to the viewer if they continue to watch the rest of the ad.

Example #2

Here’s another example of an advertiser who makes a promise.

“Real stuff too. This is real estate. It’s always going to be there and this is the greatest small business that has ever existed. It’s something that you can absolutely do.”

In that ad, he’s basically promising that real estate investing is something that you absolutely can do. He’s not making a specific promise there. He’s not saying, “You can invest in real estate and make x amount of dollars in x amount of time. But, he is saying that you can do it. He is promising that it’s so simple you can actually do it. That’s the promise he’s making.”

Example #3

“The F formula shows you a simple framework that will make framework feel like second-nature, including word-for-word examples to help you get the hang of it and get started. This is the fastest way I know of to create the gut-level attraction and sexual tension that we women find irresistible.”

There, she’s promising to teach you a specific formula – a framework – the F formula she calls it. Just by clicking on her ad and taking action, you will discover this framework for yourself. That’s the promise she just made.

Example #4

“Let’s say, for example, you’re driving down the road and see an apartment building for sale. You go online, download the information, and from that information, you need to calculate the cash flow, the cash and cash return, and the cap rate. Three very basic things to do. How do you do that? Go to page 70. I break it down for you – ABC 123. Anyone can do this.”

So, he’s promising that you’re going to learn about the things he just mentioned. He’s making that a very concrete promise by actually giving you the page number of the book that he’s offering in the ad.

Example #5

“The book is less than 10 pages. This isn’t some 600-page manual that will take you a year to implement. You could be reading this in the next five minutes. I promise it’ll be the most powerful book you’ll ever read on the subject of how average people are becoming millionaires in the new economy.”

He actually promised something there. He used the word ‘promise’. But, he wasn’t promising that you are going to become a millionaire. He’s just making a promise about how powerful the information is and how easy it will be for you to consume it because it comes in a simple 10-page book.

That’s it for examples on the ‘make a promise’ element!

So if you want to learn more about high converting YouTube ads and all the copywriting elements that make great YouTube ads, you should see my YouTube ad Swipe File, where I’ve organized some of the best YouTube ads running today.
YouTube Ads Swipe File