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The Invisible Lead Killer In YouTube Ads

This post is about overcoming objections that you may find in some YouTube Ads. We’ll look at how to use it and why this element can work so well.

Let’s take a look at some examples! This is nothing new in marketing. This is where you state people’s common objections, directly or implicitly, and then overcome them. You acknowledge doubts and disprove them. This is typically followed by the ‘Make a Promise’ element or the ‘Provide Benefits’ element.

Overcoming objections is effective in any type of marketing – not just YouTube Ads. Doubts are what prevent people from taking action and people are going to have doubts, whether you address them or not. Overcoming objections in your ads show customers that you understand them. It helps to remove those roadblocks so they are more likely to take action. Hopefully, these examples can give you some really good ideas of how you can overcome objections in your own ads.

*I don’t necessarily support or endorse these ads. I’m just using them because they make good examples of overcoming objections.

Example #1

“Sounds too easy, right? That’s why I shot the video. Mainly for proof, but more importantly, you’ll see I’m an honest guy. These are the top five questions we always get asked, so I might as well be as transparent as I can be right now.

#1. Why a valid email? I have to get you the video. And from time to time, you might witness the results of some of our students we get excited to share.

#2. Students? We do have a paid program, but you can apply what you learned in the video…”

That goes on for a while. You can see that they are directly stating what people’s objections are. They are referring to them as questions and then providing answers. They’re getting rid of people’s reasons for why they may not want to sign up for the free training. Even a small reason like, “Why do I need to give my email?” is directly addressed in the ad.

Example #2

“You can make a living working on your passions by utilizing YouTube. I know that may sound hard and I get it. It’s scary to start something new. You probably don’t even know where to start. I was there when I first started as well, so I understand the uncertainty. That’s why my friend, Jessie, and I created a step-by-step program!”

He overcomes three objections there all at once. “It sounds hard”, “It’s scary”, “You don’t know where to start” – He does it by telling his own story. He’s saying that he’s been there before and has been able to overcome that. Now, he’s put together a training that will help you do the exact same thing.

Example #3

“You yourself might be skeptical at the moment. Maybe you’ve been hearing about self-driving cars for years but haven’t seen any proof that it’s going to happen. I know through my sources that dozens of companies are working nonstop on all aspects of getting these cars to mass market. I’ve ridden in several of them over the past few years and I know how safe they are. Here’s exactly what I think is going to happen.”

In that ad, he’s addressing a blanket example. “You may be skeptical.” Of course, there are several different reasons someone might be skeptical. He doesn’t need to list them all if he simply says that. He then goes on to overcome that objection by talking about things he has heard from his sources. He talks about his personal experience riding in self-driving cars. He actually goes on for quite a while. He spends a lot of time overcoming the objection of someone possibly being skeptical about the self-driving car market.

Example #4

“You might be wondering, “Hey Keale, this all sounds good, but is it going to work for me? The truth is, I don’t know. Only you can decide that, but it probably can’t hurt to take a peek, right?”

The common objection there, of course, is “Is it going to work for me?” He does a great job addressing that not by saying, “Yes, this is going to work for you”, but he actually says, “I don’t know! Only you can decide, but it can’t hurt to take a peek.” That’s a really good way to overcome an objection like that if you don’t want to promise a specific result. You really want to point out that it is going to be in their hands whether they are going to take action and get results or not.

Example #5

“People see videos like this and they say, “Ah, that’s not real. That’s for somebody else.” Don’t listen! Be an optimist like Conrad Hilton, the man who started Hilton Hotel. He said that when he was 15 years old, he read a book by Helen Keller and it changed his life. Books can change your life and in that book, Helen Keller said, “Optimism…'”

There is a lot to break down in that example. First, he’s not saying that you are questioning what he is saying. He’s saying that other people are questioning this stuff and you shouldn’t be like them. So, he’s overcoming that objection, not by calling you out specifically, but by calling out the general populace and trying to get you on his side rather than on his side.

Then, he pulls an inception move! Not just by telling you what Helen Keller said about being an optimist, but he tells you about what Conrad Hilton read about what Helen Keller said about being an optimist. He actually gets a couple of name drops in there in the same exact story about the same thing while getting you on his side of being an optimist rather than being on the other people’s side of being a cynic. The general objection there is “That’s not for me. That’s for somebody else.” Now, he doesn’t directly address that objection. He’s saying if you have that objection, you’re in poor company. If you don’t have that objection, or you can ignore it for the time being, now, you’re in good company. You’re in the company of Conrad Hilton, Helen Keller, and other optimists.

There you have it! Some great examples of overcoming objections in YouTube Ads.