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Share Your Results & Share Student Results Elements

In this blog post, we’ll be focusing on two elements you can use in your YouTube Ads – share your results & share student results.

The freedom that you have to share results in YouTube Ads is huge. You usually can’t share any kind of results in Facebook Ads, even though sharing results is a great way to explain your product and to help people figure out if it is going to be something that will work for them. You’re able to share results that you or someone else has achieved by using your product/system/method. This isn’t the type of thing you can put in your Facebook ad. Even if it is true, Facebook will not let you share any results about what a product has done for anybody.

Sharing results is a great way to communicate what a product does and how it may be able to help people. If you have results to share (and because YouTube allows it), these are absolutely elements you should try using in your ads.

Real quick – Google doesn’t specifically say you can or can’t share results in your ads. Let’s take a look at what they say:

“We want users to trust the ads on our platform so we strive to ensure ads are clear and honest and provide the information that users need to make informed decisions. We don’t allow ads or destinations that deceive users by excluding relevant product information or providing misleading information about products, services, or businesses.”

So, essentially, as long as you’re being honest and sharing real results/testimonials, Google is likely going to allow your ad. I’ll share some examples of the ‘share your results’ element, and then I’ll share examples of the ‘share student results’ element.

*I don’t necessarily support or endorse these advertisers. I am just using them because they make good examples of what I’m talking about today.

Example #1

“So, I’m going to give you an idea of how lucrative this can actually be. Here’s a quick little funny picture I’ve pulled up. Yes, that is actually a picture of me laying in a bed of checks. Now, I know that may sound a little weird and I do think it is kind of funny. However, it is proof of what is possible….”

His result is that so many checks are coming in that he’s able to lay in a bed covered in his checks. If this is a result that someone else wants to achieve, then there’s a good chance they’re going to listen to him. They’re going to want to learn how he did this and how they can do it too.

Example #2

“I will take you inside my account and show you the exact 24-hour blitz trades that have doubled my portfolio in 90 days!”

Not only is he sharing his result there, but he’s also combining it into what he’s offering to the viewer. He’s saying “I’m going to show you exactly how I was able to achieve this result.”

Example #3

“Hi. If you don’t know who I am, my name is Aaron. I’m the founder of Superior Singing Method. I’ve got over 400,000 subscribers to my YouTube channel, 35 million views, I’ve taught over 20,000 students in 100 different countries through my superior singing method program. I’m going to teach you how to sing better too, right now.”

That example is a little different. He’s not sharing a result that somebody else would want to achieve and that he can help them achieve. His result is that he’s helped 20,000 students. He also does some credibility building talking about his number of YouTube subscribers and views. He’s really just sharing his overall results.

Example #4

“Why should you listen to the experts at Stock Advisor? Well, Motley Fool Stock Advisor has been helping investors find great stocks since 2002. Though not every pick has done as well as these, the full list of winners is much longer.”

That one is a little different too. They’re sharing some of the overall results of the program that they are advertising.

Example #5

“I’ve done this for real estate agents, financial advisors, chiropractors, gyms, and more. I get paid every month! See this simple ad? $9,000 a month! One image, three lines of text, and a simple three-page website. That’s because I use the same sign for all my clients.”

Not only is he sharing his results there, but he’s mixing in some education. He’s talking about the strategy he actually used to achieve those results.

Now, let’s look at some examples of the ‘share student results’.

Example #6

“So I released it to a few friends and this is what happened. And then I released it to the public and this happened, and this. The results just kept coming!”

He shows screenshots of his students posting about their success. Screenshots are a great way to show proof of any type of success. Even if the screenshots are shown so quickly that you can’t possibly read through them during the ad, you still get the impression that these are positive and credible results.

Example #7

“We have over 2,200 students, among them many 4 & 5 figure/month earners.”

They’re not sharing a specific student result there, but they’re saying, “We have thousands of students who are successful.” If that is a result the viewer is looking for, then they are likely to stick around and see what is being offered.

Example #8

“His channel now has over 8 million views. This is another one of my students – The Icing Artist – she used to work at a furniture repair shop and hated it. She took her passion for baking and created a YouTube channel for making cakes. She now has over 1.4 million subscribers. This is Frugal Aesthetic. He used to work a retail job for minimum wage. He took his passion for fashion and turned it into a successful YouTube channel about men’s fashion.”

In that example, he’s obviously using real students, sharing their real results, and he is sharing multiple results! He actually goes on to some other examples. This was a very effective ad and great proof of how sharing student results can be a good element to use in your YouTube Ads.