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How to Make My Ads More Visible and Click-Worthy?

How can you write and construct ads so that people would want to click on them as opposed to clicking on your competitor’s ads?

You need a headline that immediately addresses the user’s search query. It’s the first thing that they are going to read. It might even be the only thing they read. You need to make sure that right off the beat, you are making it clear that you are here to solve the user’s problem. That is going to increase the chances of your ads getting clicked. 

Don’t try to be too creative and don’t put your business name in the headline because people aren’t going to care about it. They’re only going to care about the thing that they just typed into Google. 

The descriptions and the extensions need to further address the searcher’s query. It must also provide reasons for them to click on your ad. These would be:

  • Different features and benefits of the products or services that you are offering
  • Preferably, things that are not being offered in the other ads that are on the page
  • Things that are unique to your business

These will motivate them to click on your ad to learn more. Once they get to your website, you should be expanding on all of these things.

Headline 1, 2, and 3, these should all be addressing different features and benefits of your  company, product, or service. If people continue reading the ad after seeing your headline, you are piling on more reasons for them to want to work with you.

As far as making the ad more visible and click-ready, another thing you should absolutely be including are sitelink extensions. This is a way for you to add more features and benefits, but these are going to be actual links. These are going to attract more attention and will make your ad more visible. You’re also giving more places on your ad for people to click. Sitelink extensions make your ad more clickable.

Price extensions and promotion extensions are also other options that you can add. I only recommend adding these if it’s a really good fit for what you’re selling. If price is a very good selling point for you, if you have multiple products at very good price points, then consider using a price extension.

One problem I’ve seen with price extensions is they are often shown instead of site link extensions. Usually, you can do more with sitelink extensions because you can control what’s being said, rather than just listing some products. With site link extensions, you can actually embed more features and benefits and calls to action (CTA).

Promotion extensions are also clickable extensions. These are going to have a price tag icon in them, so they make the ad stand out. This can be very powerful, especially when you have an attractive and relevant promotion to offer. Don’t use this extension just for the sake of adding it.